Architects and Designers
Depending on your needs, we are always pleased to recommend an Architect or Designer for your Charlotte custom home, or well considered renovation project, and our recommendations include select Charlotte based contacts as well as architects from the Greater Charlotte area, with whom we collaborate and facilitate to streamline processes here in Charlotte.
Note to Architects & Designers
If you are an Architect designing a home in the greater Charlotte area, and you may not be based here. We’ve worked with many Architects throughout the greater Charlotte area, and understand that most Architects have a select group of builders they trust to build their projects.
We’d love an opportunity to have a conversation during your Contractor selection process, and believe we have the capacity and reputation necessary to build your projects. We’d like to partner with you in the pre-construction phase, and add value that frees up your time and resources. We are happy to act as your permitting coordination liaison, and provide pricing input as design progresses.
We can integrate your submittal requirements in ways that work for you- or we can provide our internal submittal platform if you don’t have a process in place that you love. We understand what you need, and are here to support your process.
In our experience, working with talented architects and designers is a great opportunity for the client and ourselves. The results are remarkable when a team of professionals take a construction project from conception to completion.